K. Male'
01 Apr 2017 | Sat 22:17
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Battle of the Gayooms
'Am I allowed to use my own name, say that I love my country' asks ex-Pres.
Police entered his office and removed name board and flags on Friday, as ordered by the Civil Court
Maumoon said that he will sue those who vandalised his office
The founder and elected leader of PPM was dismissed from the party on March 27, after a council meeting by President Yameen's faction

In order to ‘not commit any more offences’, former President Maumoon Abdula Gayoom poses various questions via twitter, as authorities continue to harass him and those close to him.

The former President, who is currently in India for medical purposes, asks whether he is allowed to use his own name anymore, or say he is a Muslim or a Maldivian, or whether he loves his country.

He asked the questions noting that he does not want to commit any offences.

Maumoon’s tweet comes hours after officers from Maldives Police Service (MPS) entered his offices in Henveiru Themaa on Friday night, removing the name board and flags at the premises.

Following the act, the former President has tweeted that he will ‘sue’ those who ‘vandalized’ his office on Friday.

The name board and flags were removed after as per a Civil Court order on Thursday night, ordering the police to shut down the offices in Henveiru Themaa. The order also ordered the elected leader of PPM to immediately halt any activities being held under party’s name.

The office- office of the leader of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)- was opened in October 2016, after the Civil Court ordered Maumoon to handover the party to its chief advisor, his half-brother and incumbent President Abdulla Yameen. The brothers have been involved in a public dispute since June 2016, with President Maumoon withdrawing support for his brother’s government in October 2016.

The former President, who ruled the nation for 30 years, has since been a strong vocal critic of the government, accusing it of using the judiciary and other institution for political gain.

On March 24, he signed an agreement with opposition leaders “to work jointly and together both in Parliament and in the political environment” to reform the government. His son, MP for Dhiggaaru constituency, Ahmed Faris Maumoon has been leading the opposition coalition on his behalf.

PPM's President Yameen faction, on March 27, dismissed Maumoon, the party's elected leader and founder. The former President responded by saying that the 'Dharubaaru' faction, a quip at the venue at which the decision was made, had no legal basis to do so.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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