K. Male'
22 Apr 2020 | Wed 12:21
Addu City
Addu City
Delivery services in Addu City
Local shops in Addu City only allowed to continue delivery services
Shops will not be allowed to remain open for services
Residents are urged to refrain from placing more than one order from each household
Legal action will be taken against those who violate these orders

Addu City Council has announced the decision to only allow local shops in the city to carry out delivery services.

The council revealed this via a statement, which reads that they have observed that shops have been carrying out the delivery services in an adequate manner.

As such, shops have only been allowed to conduct delivery services as it is unsafe for residents to go out to purchase essentials, during these days.

As such, shops are not permitted to remain open for services.

The council has also issued certain protocols that must be followed by both residents and delivery teams.

Residents are to place their orders by 6pm or within the time period given by the shops. Shops have been urged to dispatch the orders within the same day and notify customers on the condition of perishables at their establishments before the order is sent out.

Residents are also urged to refrain from placing more than one order from each household on a daily basis and follow instructions by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) when handling the delivered items.

Legal action will be taken against those who violate these orders, revealed the council.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Mohamed Adam Saleem
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