K. Male'
27 Mar 2017 | Mon 22:50
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed
Maseeh's No-Confidence
Maseeh survives no-confidence vote
48 MPs voted against the no-confidence motion
The motion was submitted on March 8
Opposition leaders Nasheed and Maumoon had supported the motion

Parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed survived the no-confidence motion against him, with 48 lawmakers voting against the motion.

Parliamentary Group leader of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) had this morning, proposed to carry out a roll call vote, backed by MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla.

However, opposition rejected his proposal, noting that there were specific methods to voting.

Clauses 164 and 165 states that roll call votes can only be taken if and when the electronic voting system has an error and MPs raise objections over it.  Otherwise vote must be taken using the electronic voting system.

Voting was to commence at 1:30 pm, but deputy parliament speaker MP Moosa Manik had to halt the session due to protests inside the parliament chambers.

During the break, a number of opposition lawmakers were dismissed from the chambers, including Mid-Henveiru MP Ali Azim, South Henveiru Mohamed Abdul Kareem, North Henveiru MP Abdulla Shahid,  North-Galolhu Eva Abdulla, North Mahchangoalhi MP Mariya Ahmed Didi, North Maafannu MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, West Maafannu Mohamed Falaah, Kulhudhuffushi North Abdul Ghafoor Moosa, Alifushi Mohamed Rasheed Hussain, Gan MP Fayyaaz Ismail, and South Hithadhoo MP Ali Nizar.

While opposition lawmakers, including Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, Maamigilli MP and Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim, Makunudhoo MP Anara Naeem, Hinnavaru MP Ibrahim Solih and others had abstained from the vote, all 48 MPs present, at the time of voting, had voted against the motion.

The oppsotion coalition said they do not accept the result, adding that any session held with Maseeh presiding cannot be accepted.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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