K. Male'
05 Mar 2020 | Thu 16:08
Arrivals\' gate at Velana International Airport
Arrivals' gate at Velana International Airport
COVID-19: Maldivian placed under isolation after return from Italy
The total number of cases reported by authorities in Italy exceeding 3,000 by Wednesday
HPA has confirmed that there are no positive cases of the deadly disease in Maldives up until Wednesday
The Health Protection Agency made the reveal on Thursday

A Maldivian has been placed under isolation after returning from Italy on Thursday.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) revealed this via Twitter, adding that the Maldivian is being monitored for the fast-spreading Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) which surfaced in Italy a little over 10 days ago.

Since the disease surfaced in the European country, it has been spreading fast with the total number of cases reported by authorities exceeding 3,000 by Wednesday.

Thus far, the death toll in Italy reaches 107, with a total of 28 deaths recorded over the past 24 hours, reports international media.

This comes at a time the HPA has confirmed that there are no positive cases of the deadly disease in Maldives up until Wednesday.

Authorities have set up a protocol to be followed in order to combat a possible outbreak, even having implemented several safeguards against COVID-19 including thermal screening at entry points.

Earlier, a number of people to have arrived from China were isolated and tested for the virus as well, all results tested negative to the disease.

As per the WHO guidelines, those suspected to have the disease are required to undergo a 14-day quarantine period.

Nine Maldivians who were residing in Wuhan City, where the epidemic began in December 2019, were evacuated with India's assistance earlier, the last two were evacuated in late February and are quarantined in New Delhi, India. Initially, seven Maldivians that were evacuated returned to Maldives after a quarantine period of 14 days.

Within the following week, authorities are set to establish a travel clinic in the capital to provide prompt screening for individuals who arrive in Maldives.

Although tests for the virus were unavailable in the Maldives previously, they have now been made available through Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany