K. Male'
27 Mar 2017 | Mon 04:39
Ex-President Nasheed speaks to RaajjeTV's journalist Ahmed Muhsin
Ex-President Nasheed speaks to RaajjeTV's journalist Ahmed Muhsin
Maseeh's No-Confidence
Maseeh's no-confidence vote is just the beginning: Nasheed
A no-confidence motion against speaker Maseeh, spearheaded by MP Faris, has been scheduled for Monday
The parliament session is to begin at 9 am, with voting scheduled for 1:30 pm; Maseeh will get 30 minutes to respond
Opposition maintains that they will win Monday's vote, while ruling coalition says otherwise

Leader of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the no-confidence vote against parliament speaker is “the just the beginning” in their reform work.

In an exclusive interview to RaajjeTV’s 60 Minutes programme, the former President said that the no-confidence vote against speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed “is just the beginning,” adding that they will be submitting no-confidence motions against cabinet ministers “next”.

He maintains that the opposition will win Monday’s vote.

Nasheed further said that he “cannot just stand idly as the administration goes into pieces”, and that parliamentarians are “are aware of where this is headed”.

He emphasized the importance of party leaders, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Qasim Ibrahim and Sheikh Imran Abdulla joining the opposition movement as well.

I believe that we will take the lead in this vote. Members of our parliamentary group have been working tirelessly. They are talking to other parliamentarians as well. From what we know, we will take a huge lead in the vote,” the former President said without revealing much.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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