K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 21:07
KD Ahmed Manik leaves behind a wife, and four children
KD Ahmed Manik leaves behind a wife, and four children
KD Ahmed Manik
President sends condolences to the family of the late KD Ahmed Manik
KD Ahmed Manik passed away on Saturday evening
He had served the public for over 60 years
Former Presidents Maumoon, Nasheed and Waheed have sent condolence messages as well

President Abdulla Yameen has sent his condolences to the family of the late KD Ahmed Manik, a long-time public servant.

The President noted that Manik had been a faithful servant of the people, and that he had served in numerous posts in the government, adding that he had “always fulfilled all responsibilities handed to him”.

He had served in the government for over 60 years, starting his career in 1953, as a communication observer. He served the longest in the military, for a period of 19 years and filled various senior ranks.

Other posts he had filled includes, lawyer for Ministry of Provisional Affairs, senior assistant collector at Customs, lawyer for the Sport’s Division, Controller for Department of Immigration and Emigration, as well as Commissioner of Election.

His last post in government was as the Minister of State, Controller of Immigration and Emigration, leaving the post in November 2008.

He had also served as atoll councilor for Laamu, Dhaalu and Haa Dhaalu atolls. He was the representative for Haa Dhaalu Atoll for over 15 years and Dhaalu Atoll for over two years. He had also served in the People’s Special Majlis for a long period.

KD Ahmed Manik passed away on Saturday evening, at the age of 82. He had passed away at ADK Hospital, where he had been receiving treatment to a heart-related issue.

KD Ahmed Manik leaves behind a wife, and four children. His burial is to take place after Asr prayers on Sunday.

READ MORE: KD Ahmed Manik passes away

In addition to President Yameen, former Presidents, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mohamed Nasheed and Mohamed Waheed have sent condolence messages, via social media.

All three expressed sadness at the passing of the "long-time government servant", with Maumoon calling him a "boyhood friend".

Nasheed, who sent out a tweet in Dhivehi, noted that KD Ahmed Manik had been "a faithful public servant".


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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