K. Male'
16 Jan 2020 | Thu 08:22
The ministry gave a press conference on Wednesday evening
The ministry gave a press conference on Wednesday evening
Hussain Makhuthoom
Measles Outbreak
Measles outbreak: 15 tested negative on Wednesday
The ministry has begun clinical services in facilities in Hulhumalé as well
Measles is one of the most communicable diseases in the world

Following prolonged fever, tests runs on 15 individuals turned negative to measles, revealed the Ministry of Health.

During a press conference on Wednesday evening, Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen stated that they are continuously running tests on individuals showing symptoms of the infectious disease and those who are prone to catch the illness from close associates.

While 15 individuals were tested on Wednesday, all of them turned negative to the virus, said the minister.

No positive cases have risen yet, they were all negative to measles. However this is not the end, we will run tests on those who were previously tested, again”
Minister Ameen

The minister stated that work is underway to provide vaccination, with high priority and that they have thus far provided vaccination for almost all employees in the health sector under the campaign.

Highlighting that the number of individuals willingly coming in for vaccinations have increased, the minister added that over 1,200 individuals have undergone vaccination thus far.

While the infectious virus is catching the air, the ministry has begun clinical services in facilities in Hulhumalé as well.

Children under six months of age, pregnant women and those with impaired immune system have a high risk of catching the infection, which can cause complications especially in children under five years of age. Some of the complications include pneumonia, croup, acute brain inflammation, inflammation of the middle ear as well as eye ulcers.

While measles is one of the most communicable diseases in the world owing to the fact that it can spread via air, symptoms include fever over 40 degrees Celcius, small white bumps inside the mouth, runny nose, sore throat, inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis), dry coughs and flat, red-colored bumps.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Zihnath Hassan