K. Male'
20 Dec 2019 | Fri 14:53
Hulhumalé Detention Center
Hulhumalé Detention Center
Deaths of Inmates
60-yo inmate dies while undergoing dialysis
He was doing time for a 20-year sentence
The inmate was undergoing dialysis treatment for kidney failure

An inmate doing time in the detention facility in Hulhumalé has passed away on Friday.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Prisons Media Official Ahmed Naseem revealed that the 60-year-old passed away close to 4am on Friday.

Raajjemv understands that the man was undergoing dialysis treatment for kidney failure and he had been unwell for a while now. While his family is to have refused to take him in, he died while he was undergoing treatment at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

The 60-year-old has been buried since.

Reports have it that the man was serving a 20 year sentence in prison after being found guilty for sexual assault against a child.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Aman Haleem