K. Male'
14 Mar 2017 | Tue 07:21
51 patients test positive for H1N1, HPA revealed on Monday night
51 patients test positive for H1N1, HPA revealed on Monday night
Swine Flu
51 patients test positive for H1N1, national alert at Phase Three
A 27-year-old who died on March 4 tested positive for the virus, three in critical condition
Schools have been closed for the next three days
HPA had earlier said that the H1N1 prevalence was no cause for concern

51 patients have tested positive for H1N1, said the Health Protection Agency, just a few hours after confirming the spread of the respiratory infection across the country.

While earlier on Monday it had said that 27 patients had tested positive, on Monday night, HPA said that 51 out of 251 patients had tested positive for H1N1, even declaring the national alert level at Phase Three.

At a press conference on Monday night, it was revealed that a 27-year-old patient who had died on March 4 had tested positive for H1N1, with three in critical condition, including a pregnant woman.

In order to control the spread of the disease, Ministry of Education ordered to close off all schools for the next three days, as recommended by the agency. HPA cautioned to limit travel during this school break.

Speaking at the press conference, pediatrician Dr. Abdulla Niyaf said that 70 blood samples are currently being tested for the influenza, adding that positive cases are expected from that group as well. He said that the virus is expected to spread for the next few days.

Dr. Niyaf said that a patient has tested positive in Haa Dhaalu Kulhudhuffushi, and that a viral fever is spreading rapidly in Raa Atoll.

He revealed that the vaccines for the influenza are limited, and that it is not easily accessible. Dr. Niyaf said that they are currently holding discussions with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other friendly nations, to acquire more.

He further said that priority will be given to those more susceptible to the disease.

While the first case was discovered in January, spreading rapidly throughout February and March, at a press conference held on Monday morning- by HPA, Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and ADK Hospital- HPA said that despite some cases being reported, there was no cause for concern. At that press conference, HPA revealed that 27 out of 208 patients had tested positive.

READ MORE: 27 patients tested positive for H1N1 this year

Influenza symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue; and if symptoms are seen, doctors advised the public to seek immediate medical attention

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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