K. Male'
05 Oct 2019 | Sat 14:37
Islamic Minister Imran
Islamic Minister Imran
Home Ministry
MDN report
Adhaalath calls for immediate action against MDN’s report
Adhaalath party strongly condemns MDN report
MDN issued a public apology

Adhaalath party has called for legal action to be taken against Maldives Democracy Network’s (MDN) “Preliminary Assessment of Radicalization in the Maldives” report.

Adhaalath party claims the report, released in 2016, contains anti-Islamic rhetoric. MDN has since apologized and reassured the public that it will not be repeated.

In a statement released by Adhaalath party on Friday night, they announced the report creates doubt about the omnipotence of Allah, questions events described in the Quran, and disrespects the prophet Mohamed’s (PBUH) character. Therefore, Adhaalath party states they strongly condemn the report and called for government institutions to take action against MDN.

The statement goes on to say, even though the report may have been published in 2016 and retracted in 2019, it created a public outcry. They also advised against provocative speech that may lead to a violent backlash, whether physical or verbal, towards individuals or organizations.
