K. Male'
30 Jun 2019 | Sun 17:59
Hoarafushi team takes the title for Red Bull Winning 5 during its fourth edition
Hoarafushi team takes the title for Red Bull Winning 5 during its fourth edition
Red Bull's Winning 5
Hoarafushi team takes home title in Red Bull's 'Winning Five' 2019
The fourth edition of the celebrated tournament, held from 5 April to 21 June saw 233 teams and 1,617 players
This year saw the highest number of qualifiers including from the Greater Malé region, 10 islands and one resort
"The competition gives local teams opportunity to prove themselves as the toughest five-man team in the country"

HA Hoarafushi team has become the first ever team from the outlying atolls to take the championship title of the Red Bull Winning 5.

The tournament, hosted by Red Bull, has been held for three consecutive years before the introduction of Neymar Jr’s Five in 2017, which quickly became popular in over 60 countries.

While the tournament was held this year with the highest number of qualifiers including from the Greater Malé region, 10 islands and one resort, teams from Hoarafushi and Hanimaadhoo had gone head-to-head in the finals.

During the national finals held in Hulhumalé Youth Park on 21 June, the match initially ended with neither team having scored. However, Hoarafushi team’s Ziyad Mohamed had scored a goal during the one-on-one. Ziyad had won three one-on-ones, during the quarter final, semi-final and final.

Hoarafushi team was given a cash prize of MVR 50,000 and the runner-up Hanimaadhoo team received MVR 25,000.

The fourth edition of the celebrated tournament, held from 5 April to 21 June saw 233 teams and 1,617 players.

The futsal tournament acts as a platform for local teams to showcase their skills and prove themselves the best five-man futsal team in the country.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali