K. Male'
01 Mar 2017 | Wed 07:28
February 28: MDP's 151's national council session
February 28: MDP's 151's national council session
"Saudi Atoll"
MDP passes motion to recover any land sold off by current administration
Reports indicate that the sale will be made official in March, during Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud's visit
There has been a public outcry over the possible sale
Government is yet to deny the reports

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has passed a resolution, to recover any land that is sold illegally.

At its 151st national council session held on Tuesday night, MP for North-Mahchangoalhi constituency, Mariya Ahmed Didi submitted the resolution stating that there are secrets involved in the Faafu Atoll deal, and that selling it would be a huge loss to the people. It noted that all work being done by the current administration involves corruption, and that MDP will, as soon as it is ushered into power, nullify all such agreements, and recover any land that has been sold out. The motion was seconded by MDP's PG leader, Ibrahim Solih.

Solih noted that "not a single Maldivian would want to sell any land" and that MDP will always remain with the people. He noted that such work "must be halted," adding that the Constitution must be amended, to disallow foreign land ownership.

  • An amendment passed in 2015, allows foreigners to buy land, provided they invest more than one billion dollars, and that 70% of it is reclaimed from the Indian Ocean.

Noting that the public is being kept in the dark about the Faafu Atoll deal, Solih accused President Abdulla Yameen of always being swayed by money.

"We cannot just stay here without doing something," added Solih.

Also speaking at Tuesday's session, MP for Addu-Meedhoo constituency, Rozaina Adam said that any part of the Maldivian vote can only be sold "after a public vote."

Imthiyaz Fahmy, MP for North-Maafannu constituency, emphasized that the government does not have the right "to even seld a grain of sand from the Maldives."

Furthermore, MDP's deputy leader, Mohamed Shifaz said that the party will do "all that is necessary to save Faafu atoll".

He highlighted that China had sought to buy 29 islands from the Maldives, during the MDP administration.

"However, President [Mohamed] Nasheed did not wish to turn Maldives into China Town," said Shifaz.

The motion was passed with 42 members voting in favor.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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