K. Male'
28 Feb 2017 | Tue 09:57
Abdul Raheem: PPM's Deputy Leader signalled changes to the Constitution
Abdul Raheem: PPM's Deputy Leader signalled changes to the Constitution
Presidential term
Pro Govt. lawmaker signals law change to lengthen Presidential term
Target for 2023 is to govern constitutionally

Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Deputy Leader and Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdu Raheem Abdullah (Adhurey) had on Monday sent out a signal that constitutional amendments will be brought in to ensure that President Abdullah Yameen can have a longer tenure.

He made the statement in Monday’s sitting of the Parliament, while debating on the motion filed by Maafannu West Constituency MP Mohamed Falaah regarding the forced memberships into PPM. Abdu Raheem said that President Yameen will undoubtedly win 2018 elections and that the win will be a resounding one. He said the President’s win will be a strong message to his contenders and a historical one.

“We will defeat our opponents, win the 2018 elections by a significant majority. We will show a result other political opponents will be hesitant to match or contend against. From then onward, we will approach 2023 by enacting measures within constitutional means,” he said.

Abdu Raheem had not elaborated on the planned legal changes. It was not clear whether the two five-year terms will be abolished or a life term presidency will be introduced.

In spite of his statements, the Constitution clearly states that the Presidential term is five years and the maximum number of terms one individual can serve as President is two terms.

President Yameen was elected in 2013. His five-year term expires on 2018. If he gets elected to a second term, then his tenure will be completed in 2023. Under the current Constitution, after this President Yameen cannot contest for a third term.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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