K. Male'
14 Feb 2017 | Tue 08:01
MDP highlighted that PPM leader, ex-President Maumoon has expressed concern over "pressurising" people to join PPM
MDP highlighted that PPM leader, ex-President Maumoon has expressed concern over "pressurising" people to join PPM
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Party membership drama
MDP condemns "senior state officials forcing employees to join PPM"
MDP said it was aware that such acts are being committed
They are being told they will lose their job if they do not sign the form, says MDP
PPM leader, ex-Pres. Maumoon on Sunday tweeted that PPM does not condone pressurising people to join them

The largest opposition party in the country, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has condemned the fact that "employees of state companiess are being forced to sign with the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)."

In a statement issued on Monday, MDP said that it was aware that state employees are being forced to join the ruling party, and said that it strongly condemned the act.

The party said that some employees have shared their story with them, and highlighted that the party's presidentm Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has "even released a press release expressing concern over the matter."

Maumoon, on Sunday, said that PPM "is a principled party based on democratic principle," and that it does not "condone pressurising people," to join them.

MDP said that the statement released by the PPM president was further proof that such acts are being committed.

"Senior officials at state companies are being photographed handing out PPM forms to employees and playing an active role in making them sign the forms. And these images are being shared by the companies' twitter handles," MDP highlighted.

It noted that "just by asking an employee to sign with PPM, these senior officials are pressuring them in a way, as they would not have a choice but to do so."

MDP also expressed concern over the fact that these employees "are being told that they will lose their jobs, if they do not sign the form."

The party said that these officials are "commiting this act of corruption on the direct orders of President Abdulla Yameen."

MDP called on President Yameen and the government, to immediately stop forcing employees to sign with PPM, and threatening their jobs.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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