K. Male'
01 Nov 2018 | Thu 11:05
Citizens across the nation travel to the capital to welcome the former President, who is to arrive today
Citizens across the nation travel to the capital to welcome the former President, who is to arrive today
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Mohamed Nasheed
Citizens across the nation head to Male' for ex-president's return
The vessel travelling from different regions, have been decorated with flags and banners representing MDP
Many citizens have been waiting for this moment patiently
Nasheed is scheduled to arrive on Thursday afternoon

A number of citizens across the nation are headed to capital city Male’ to welcome former President Mohamed Nasheed, who is “coming home” after living in exile for nearly three years.

Thursday morning saw swarms of vessels streaked in yellow, docking in harbors of the capital city. As such, two vessels packed with residents from Laamu atoll Gan, Fonadhoo and Isdhoo islands, had docked as early as 6am.

Moreover, crowds of residents had also arrived from Thulhaadhoo and Hithaadhoo islands of Baa atoll, as well as from Lhaviyani Naifaru, to welcome the former President.

“We have been waiting for this moment patiently. We will always remember President Nasheed’s services to the nation. We have undying gratitude for all of Nasheed’s reform efforts to make sure we have a better future.” said one of the residents from Thulhaadhoo island.

The vessels coming from different regions of the nation are heavily decorated with yellow tinted flags and banners representing Nasheed’s Maldivian Democratic Party.

He is scheduled to arrive on Thursday afternoon.

While Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years in prison on terrorism in March 2015, Supreme Court on Tuesday issued a stay order on enforcing it.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee had in 2015, called for Nasheed’s immediate and unconditional release following the guilty verdict on terror charges. Moreover, UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Gabriela Knaul had expressed deep concerns over the lack of impartiality by both the PG and judges at the apex court’s bench in issuing Nasheed’s conviction. She also expressed concern over the lack of respect for the most basic principles of fair trial and due process during Mr. Nasheed’s criminal proceedings. Noting that Nasheed’s defense team was prevented entry into hearings, she said that he was not granted adequate time to prepare his defense either.

Furthermore, United Nation’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) had also declared Nasheed's sentence as arbitary.

Nasheed was also barred from contesting in the presidential election this September despite winning MDP's primary. However, the party's Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had defeated President Abdulla Yameen, who was vying for re-election, by a large margin. Following this, the authorities had released most opposition leaders who were either thrown behind bars, or spurned to self-exile due to politically motivated charges.

Nasheed’s announcement of his return had brought waves of excitement over his supporters, and MDP has since been preparing a massive welcoming celebration throughout Thursday. Some preparations include selling T-shirts for the celebration, as well as events at sea.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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