K. Male'
15 Oct 2018 | Mon 15:08
Asseyri Prison in Himmafushi island
Asseyri Prison in Himmafushi island
Himmafushi Asseyri Prison
50-year-old prisoner in Asseyri Prison suffers heart attack
The prisoner is serving a 10-year sentence
The prisoner is 50 years of age
He has served three years thus far

Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) has revealed that a 50-year-old prisoner incarcerated in Asseyri Prison on Himmafushi island, is receiving treatment after having suffered a heart attack.

Media official at the MCS told RaajjeMV that the 50-year-old man had been brought from Asseyri Prison and that procedures to begin an angiogram are underway.

RaajjeMV understands that the 50-year-old had been brought to capital city Male’ on Monday following a sudden pain in his chest which was declared a heart attack by the doctors at the hospital upon arrival.

The official stated that the man did not have any previous records of heart conditions.

The 50-year-old has completed three out of the 10 years he has been convicted for and was brought to Male’ as an electrocardiogram had shown a deterioration in his health, at the Himmafushi health center.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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