K. Male'
13 Oct 2018 | Sat 15:14
Dunya Maumoon, former first daughter
Dunya Maumoon, former first daughter
Dunya Maumoon
Former first daughter representing MRM on India trip: Mariya
Dunya visited Sri Lanka before flying to India
Dunya is representing her father and former President Gayoom's Maumoon Reform Movement in this trip
Dunya is expected to meet top officials of the Indian government during this trip

The joint opposition coalition has revealed that Former foreign minister Dunya Maumoon’s trip to neighboring India is not that of a coalition trip, but a trip representing its Maumoon Reform Movement.

Citing President-elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, his spokesperson Mariya Ahmed Didi stated that the former first daughter had headed to Delhi, India as a special representative of her father, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom to hold unofficial meetings as well as visiting top officials of the Indian government, the same way she had during her trip to Sri Lanka.

Before heading to India, Dunya had flown to Sri Lanka and met with leading figures in the Sri Lankan government as well.

This was a response to questions posed by media due to reports having surfaced that Dunya had flown abroad to represent the joint opposition coalition.

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Mariya stated that special delegates representing the coalition, as well as political leaders respectively, have flown abroad in previous occasions as well.

Dunya, niece of outgoing President Abdulla Yameen, served in several government positions by her uncle’s side up until very recently.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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