K. Male'
21 Sep 2018 | Fri 16:34
Faisal Naseem speaking at the opposition gathering held in Addu city on Thursday night
Faisal Naseem speaking at the opposition gathering held in Addu city on Thursday night
2018 Presidential Campaign
We will return justice which has been taken away in the current government: Faisal Naseem
'The past five years have seen the most corruption in the country’s history.'
'17th November will bring good news to the people'
'The affection we received from citizens will be returned accordingly after assuming office'

The joint opposition will return the justice that has been taken away in the current administration, says opposition coalition’s vice-presidential candidate Faisal Naseem.

Faisal said this while giving a speech at the opposition coalition's campaign event in Addu city on Thursday night, where former First Lady Nasreena Ibrahim, wife of jailed former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, was also in attendance to show her support.

Faisal, who also represents Kaashidhoo constituency in Parliament, said that justice will be served in a unity government led by Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, the coalition's presidential candidate.

Faisal vowed to return the affection they have received from atoll residents once they get elected and said that an opposition-led government will set an an example on how to follow the constitution.

Addressing Nasreena’s participation in the opposition coalition’s campaign, Naseem said that the 17th of November will bring immense joy to the former First Lady.

Criticizing the current administration for being enveloped in corruption and tyranny, Faisal said that the past five years have seen the most corruption in the country’s history.

“This is reason alone for the people to stand up against President Yameen and cast their votes for Solih” he said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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