K. Male'
30 Jan 2017 | Mon 18:10
Mohamed Wisam, with his father, before entering Criminal Court on January 24
Mohamed Wisam, with his father, before entering Criminal Court on January 24
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Trials against RaajjeTV journo
Court to analyze video evidence against Wisam on Tuesday
Wisam has been charged with obstruction of officers, over an arrest made while covering a rally
He was arrested with Adam Zareer, and were remanded for five days in Dhoonidhoo Detention Center
Wisam and Leevaan Ali Nasir were fined MVR 28,800 (each) by the Criminal Court on January 24, on a separate charge

A hearing against RaajjeTV’s Senior Video journalist, Mohamed Wisam, has been scheduled for Tuesday.

Wisam has been charged with the obstruction of law enforcement officers, over an arrest made in March 2015, while covering an opposition rally in the capital, Male’ City.

At Tuesday’s hearing, the Criminal Court will analyze the video evidence submitted against Wisam by the state.

The last hearing in the trial was held on January 18, where the court took the witness testimonies, from both the prosecution and defense.

Specialist Operation’s officer, Hussain Fahmy, who testified against Wisam, said that Wisam was arrested for trying to enter an area cordoned off by the public. He said that Wisam had done so, after seeing RaajjeTV Senior Cameraman, Adam Zareer being arrested by officers.

Three individuals testified for the defense; Zareer, Ahmed Anwar and lawmaker Abdul Kareem.

While both Wisam and Zareer were arrested together, their trials are being held separately, and the sentencing hearing for Zareer is scheduled for February 27.

Both have denied the charges against them, while Zareer said that he believes that they are being targeted simply because of the station they represent.

On January 24, Criminal Court sentenced Wisam, and Senior journalist Leevaan Ali Nasir to pay a fine of MVR 28,800 each. They were found guilty on obstruction charges, over a separate arrest, on December 19, 2016.

Wisam, Leevaan and Chief Operating Officer, Hussain Fiyaz Moosa were arrested on November 2015, while covering a bomb scare in Male, and subsequently charged

While Wisam and Leevaan were charged, and found guilty on obstruction charges, Fiyaz has been charged with “touching an officer without consent.” Fiyaz’s trial was reconvened on January 29, after being stalled for over seven months.

RaajjeTV said that it will appeal the Criminal Court verdict against Wisam and Leevaan, adding that “the verdict was devoid of any legal substance and facts.”

Following the verdict, British High Commissioner to the Maldives, Jamed Dauris said that the “conviction and sentencing of RaajjeTV journalists sends worrying signal of the pressure important media freedoms are under in Maldives.”


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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