K. Male'
30 Aug 2018 | Thu 18:28
Jailbirds doing time for their prison sentences
Jailbirds doing time for their prison sentences
2018 Presidential Election
Authorities release 300 inmates ahead of September election
Jailbirds were released under specific conditions
They are not to leave home or travel abroad for a span of one month
Jailbirds were released upon President Abdulla Yameen's order

Authorities have released about 300 inmates ahead of the Presidential Election slated for 23rd September, under President Abdulla Yameen’s order.

According to credible sources, approximately 300 inmates had been released since this year’s Independence Day, 26th July. Most of the freed inmates are ones who had been convicted for the crime of using narcotics, or being involved in the trade of narcotics. Some of the freed convicts had been doing time of up to 30 years in incarceration.

RaajjeMV understands that the inmates had been freed under specific conditions. As such, inmates will not be allowed to leave their homes, or travel abroad for a duration of 30 days, further, if the released convicts commit another crime, they will have to return to prison and complete the sentences imposed on them.

RaajjeMV also understands that the inmates were released upon President Yameen’s order.

Speaking to media regarding the release of inmates, Information Officer at the Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) Ahmed Luqman stated that authorities had been pardoning inmates and that the exact numbers is yet unclear.

While authorities have released a mob of prisoners prior to the upcoming Presidential Election, it is notable that crimes in the capital city Male’ as well as outlying atolls have significantly increased within the past few days.

As such, within the previous week, four individuals had been injured in two separate cases of gang violence, with one of them having attained serious internal bleeding.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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