K. Male'
27 Jul 2018 | Fri 11:37
Henbadhoo island residents take to the streets to protest
Henbadhoo island residents take to the streets to protest
Power Outage
Residents of Henbadhoo island take to streets with increasing concern over power outages
The outages have been going on for four to five years on end
The protests had begun on Wednesday
The island representative in Parlaiment and FENAKA as well, had failed to provide a solution

Residents of Noonu atoll Henbadhoo Island have taken to the streets with rising concerns of increasing power outages without a solution for years on end.

Henbadhoo island residents take to the streets to protest

Speaking to RaajjeMV, one of the residents revealed that the parliamentarian representing Henbadhoo in Parliament had also failed to provide them assistance in finding a solution to the matter. The resident revealed that state utilities company, FENAKA Corporation who are tasked with providing services of  electricity, water supply, sewerage control to residents of the capital city Male’ and outlying atolls, had also failed to uphold their duties to the citizens. The resident proved his point by pointing out that the island has had continual power outages for the past four to five years on end with no one bothering to bring a solution to it.

Henbadhoo island residents take to the streets to protest

The resident revealed that residents of Henbadhoo Island had started protesting on the streets in front of the engine house since Wednesday, in order to bring the issue into the spotlight. RaajjeMV also understands that officers of the Maldives Police Service (MPS) have also travelled to Henbadhoo Island from nearby islands to work in the area.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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