K. Male'
04 Jul 2024 | Thu 17:01
The fire broke out inside a house in Flooniya Magu
The fire broke out inside a house in Flooniya Magu
Kiun theri eh
Injuries in a fire
Two injured in Malé fire
Teams of MPS and MNDF are active
The extent of injuries, unclear
The fire broke out inside a house on Flooniya Magu

Injuries have been reported after a fire broke out inside a house in the congested capital Malé City.

Teams of the Maldives Police Service (MPS) and the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) were dispatched to the scene not long after the fire broke out.

The fire is to have broken out on Thursday afternoon.

RaajjeMV’s attempts to get a comment from MNDF in connection with the fire, were to no avail as authorities failed to answer the station’s calls.

RaajjeMV understands that two individuals were injured in the fire incident.

The two victims were rushed to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IMGH) for treatment.

The extent of their injuries have not been clarified by authorities yet.

Last updated at: 3 days ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed