K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 16:34
This was decided at the hearing held over the matter on Wednesday
This was decided at the hearing held over the matter on Wednesday
Hussain Hassaan
12 Dismissed Lawmakers
Supreme Court decides to move forward with cases against 12 dismissed lawmakers separately
This was decided at the hearing held over the matter on Wednesday
The court had annulled the Criminal Court decision against the lawmakers on floor-crossing

The Supreme Court has decided to move forward with the cases of 12 lawmakers whose seats have been disputed, which was handled en masse, separately.

At the hearing held over the matter on Wednesday, the Supreme Court decided this in addition to having annulled a previous Criminal Court ruling on the matter.

The court had annulled the Criminal Court decision against the lawmakers on floor-crossing on the basis that criminal allegations against some of them are ongoing.

RaajjeMV understands that the case of some of the 12 lawmakers had been filed as late as this Monday, while the case for four of them were filed before February. The cases of eight of them were filed after.

The next hearings in the cases will be held to clear the dispute over their dismissal. The Elections Commission had dismissed the MPs on the grounds of floor-crossing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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