K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 08:09
Tuesday’s cabinet meeting was the first to be announced since February this year
Tuesday’s cabinet meeting was the first to be announced since February this year
Presidents Office
Environment Ministry
Maldives to be party to Nagoya Protocol and ISA
The cabinet came to this decision as per a proposition made by the Maldivian Ministry of Environment and Energy
The government will now work to implement said decision, the President’s Office said

The Maldivian government has on Tuesday decided to be party to the Nagoya Protocol and the International Solar Alliance.

The President’s Office revealed that the cabinet came to this decision as per a proposition made by the Maldivian Ministry of Environment and Energy.

The government will now work to implement said decision, the President’s Office said. Tuesday’s cabinet meeting was the first to be announced since February this year.

The International Solar Alliance is an agreement between 121 nations to work towards the ‘efficient exploitation’ of solar energy, an initiative proposed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization – which has 105 parties, 108 ratifications, and 92 signatures – has been in force since October 2014.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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