K. Male'
23 Jul 2018 | Mon 18:54
Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid
Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid
Elections Commission
Ex-parliament speaker calls on EC to comply with Constitution and uphold oath of office
"EC members are going against their oath of office by trying to avoid fulfilling their responsibilities"
"Members must know what a great misdeed it is to go against the vow made in the name of their Creator"
India and UK have expressed concern that the approaching election will not be free or fair

Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid has called on the Elections Commission (EC) to fully comply with article 170 of the Maldives Constitution, which details the responsibilites and powers of the EC.

Article 170(a) states that the EC is tasked with conducting, managing, supervising and facilitating all elections and public referendums to ensure the proper exercise of the right to vote and ensuring that all elections and public referendums are conducted freely and fairly without intimidation, aggression, undue influence of corruption.

Shahid, in a tweet typed out in Dhivehi posted late Monday afternoon, said that they are going against their oath of office by trying to avoid fulfilling their responsibilities.

Shahid said that members of the EC must know what a great misdeed it is to go against the vow made in the name of the Creator to maintain the fundamental rights of the citizens.

The former speaker has called on the commission members to uphold their vows as stated under the Constitution at a time when the opposition and international community are continually asserting that the government of President Abdulla Yameen is attempting to influence the September election through the EC, with neighboring India and the United Kingdom expressing concern that the approaching election will not be free or fair.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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