K. Male'
16 Jul 2018 | Mon 13:31
European Parliament
European Parliament
Maldives - European Union
EU approves travel bans and asset freezes on Maldives officials, to be imposed 'if situation does not improve'
EU adopted a framework for targeted restrictive measures against Maldivian officials on Monday
It added that travel bans and asset freezes will be imposed on those relevant 'if situation does not improve'
President Yameen first revealed that he had been informed of the possibility of EU taking restrictive measures against him and government officials last week

The European Union's Foreign Affairs Council has on Monday adopted a framework for targeted sanctions against Maldives that will allow them to impose travel bans and asset freeze on the relevant individuals and entities 'if the situation [in the country] does not improve'.

The Council has adopted a framework 'for targeted restrictive measures against persons and entities responsible for undermining the rule of law or obstructing an inclusive political solution in the Maldives as well as persons and entities responsible for human rights violations,' adding that 'this decision makes it possible, if the situation does not improve, to impose travel ban and as asset freeze on relevant individuals and entities'.

Monday's decision is a direct follow up to the Council's conclusion on 26th February where targeted measures against senior government officials were first indicated, highlighting that the situation in Maldives is "not in accordance with principles of democratic value and separation on powers".

It further called on the Maldivian government "to engage with the leaders of the opposition in genuine dialogue that paves the way for credible, transparent and inclusive presidential elections".

President Yameen first revealed that he had been informed of the possibility of EU taking restrictive measures against him and government officials last week.

While the Maldives is preparing for September’s election, the European Union had previously expressed concern that it will neither be free nor fair.

A report issued by EU following Ambassador Eduard Kukan’s last trip to Maldives in April, noted that the conditions in the country have to change “so that the next elections are held in line with international obligations”. The report noted that Ambassador Kukan and his team had met representatives of the authorities, political parties, media, civil society and the international community, but highlighted that they were not granted meetings with some key players in the Maldivian political arena, such as the President and Supreme Court officials.

The report reads, “to date, the political and institutional environment of the Republic of Maldives has not been conducive for the adoption of meaningful and concerted electoral reforms”.

Speaking to local news outlet 'Mihaaru' on Sunday night, fisheries minister and the biggest lobbyist of the incumbent President's policies, Dr. Mohamed Shainee accused the EU of working together with the country's opposition who he said 'had been lying to [EU] officials'.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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