K. Male'
04 Jul 2018 | Wed 20:30
File photo: RaajjeTV staff in front of Criminal Court
File photo: RaajjeTV staff in front of Criminal Court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Press Freedom
Changes proposed to penalize journalists covering court cases
The amendment was proposed on behalf of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) by Feydhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Didi
As per the amendment, covering comments made by lawyers during court trials can be considered as a prejudice to the trials
If passed and ratified, a journalist could face a jail term of four months

An amendment has been proposed to the country's Penal Code, seeking to penalize journalists covering court cases and trials.

The amendment was proposed on behalf of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) by Feydhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Didi, and states that 'unlawfully publishing content with the intent of influencing court cases is a crime'.

If approved and ratified, comments and tweets by lawyers as well as writings on various blogs can be considered as influencing court cases.

The amendment, proposed to Section 510 of the Penal Code- Bribery and Official Misconduct Offences- also states lists out circumstances in which journalists covering court cases will be penalized, including to show that the courts do not have the capacity to conclude cases independently.

As per the amendment, covering comments made by lawyers during court trials can be considered as 'prejudicing the trials'.

If the amendments come into effect, criticizing the courts will be considered contempt of court and if found guilty, a journalist could face a jail term of four months.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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