K. Male'
03 Jul 2018 | Tue 10:51
Male\' - Hulhule bridge
Male' - Hulhule bridge
MDP Pledges
MDP pledges: domestic flight rates to be slashed and islands linked
Convenient ferry services will be launched, a ferry terminal will be built in every island
The party had pledged to reduce rates of domestic flights by a fair amount
Inhabited islands of the same lagoon will be connected with bridges

Main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party has included a pledge to adjoin inhabited islands of the same lagoon with bridges, in their manifesto for the upcoming Presidential Election.

The opposition party had also included pledges relating to transport services in their manifesto which was officially launched in the party’s third national congress held in Alif Alif Ukulhas island on Saturday. As such, the party had pledged to reduce rates of domestic flights within tourism by a fair amount to subside the strain on the wallets of tourists.

Moreover, MDP also said that a convenient ferry service will be launched to pave way for convenient and accessible trips to all parts of the nation along with a series of supply ferries to carry cargo for convenient and effortless freight transportation.

One of the pledges also include to build a ferry terminal at each and every island with island harbors to be developed as ones to run economic trade in.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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