K. Male'
01 Jul 2018 | Sun 14:28
MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Ahmed Mahloof
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Presidential Elections 2018
MP Mahloof calls for early elections following PPM PG leader's 52% win claim
Of Saturday, MP Nihan said that President Yameen will win this year's presidential election with 52% of the votes
Hence, MP Mahloof called for early elections, and questioned him whether there will be an election and whether opposition candidate's name will be there on ballot paper
The Joint Opposition has agreed to field a common candidate for the upcoming presidential elections

Following ruling party's parliamentary group leader's claim that President Abdulla Yameen will win this year's presidential election with a 52% majority, Galolhu-South constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof has challenged him to an early election.

Villimalé constituency MP Ahmed Nihan had, on Saturday, tweeted that the people "will not say not to development" no matter who is fielded by the opposition as a presidential candidate, adding that incumbent President Yameen will win the election with "52% of the votes".

MP Mahloof responded to Nihan's tweet on Sunday, calling for an early election "if confident of getting 52% [of the votes]".

He then posed three questions to the PPM PG leader;

  1. Will there be an election on September 23?
  2. Will MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's name be on the ballot paper?
  3. Will the vote be counted at the polling stations as per the laws?

The Joint Opposition has agreed to field a common candidate for the upcoming presidential elections- a presidential candidate from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and running mate from Jumhooree Party. The other parties in the opposition coalition include Adhaalath Party and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's faction of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

MDP's parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was elected as its presidential candidate on Saturday, and Jumhooree Party is yet to announce their choice for a running mate.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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