K. Male'
01 Jul 2018 | Sun 10:59
Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain
Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Presidential Elections 2018
President Yameen will be shaking now, says MP Hussain
He made the comment on RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee programme on Saturday night
He said that the opposition uniting behind one candidate is the wish of over 80 percent of the people
Opposition parties have agreed to elect a candidate from MDP, with a running mate from Jumhooree Party JP

Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain has said that Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's appointment as the opposition's common candidate for the presidential elections "will have President [Abdulla] Yameen shaking now".

He said this on RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee programme on Saturday night, where he emphasized that the Joint Opposition had always planned on fielding a common candidate for this year's election.

He added that this was the wish of over 80 percent of the people.

"From the moment all four opposition leaders agreed to work together, there has been hope of fielding a single candidate. We just saw this happening, this was an important accomplishment", said MP Hussain.

Opposition parties have agreed to elect a candidate from MDP, with a running mate from Jumhooree Party (JP).

Speaking on the election of a running mate, the JP parliamentary group leader noted that its internal regulations state that the party's council is to do so. He added that the announcement will be made "soon".

While MDP launched its manifesto at the congress meeting, it has opened up the opportunity for other coalition partners to bring necessary changes. However, MP Hussain said that JP has framed its own manifesto and added that "basics are the same in both".

He further noted that the Saturday's victory proved that opposition parties "have not lost their purpose" and that their main purpose remains "to rid of President Yameen's tyranny".

"President Yameen will be shaking now. There is no one to back him. He will not get even 20% of the votes", added the lawmaker.

MDP's parliamentary group leader, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was elected as its presidential candidate on Saturday. MP Hussain is one of the favorites on social media, as a JP running mate.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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