K. Male'
29 Jun 2018 | Fri 18:43
Then Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel (r) with President Abdulla Yameen
Then Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel (r) with President Abdulla Yameen
Ex-VP Jameel
President Yameen ‘tightens grip’ as poll nears: Ex-VP Jameel
Dr. Jameel called on the international community to take action against President Yameen
He said President Yameen was desperately conspiring to eliminate challengers to his ‘autocracy’ by proposing unconstitutional laws
He also accused his administration of trying to steal the election as well as ignoring international appeals

President Abdulla Yameen is tightening his grip on power as the presidential election nears, warns Dr. Mohamed Jameel, the current administration’s first vice president.

In a tweet on Thursday, Dr. Jameel said that President Yameen jailing his own nephew, MP Faris Maumoon, on trumped up charges proves that his administration can only be contained through firm action by the international community.

He tagged the United Nations, the European Union Council, and India’s Ministry of External Affairs in the tweet, saying that they should reprimand ‘a regime terrorizing a nation and becoming a real menace to its own people and region.’

In another tweet, Dr. Jameel shared the recent amendment bills the government proposed to make changes the qualifications of presidential candidates and said that President Yameen was desperately conspiring to eliminate challengers to his ‘autocracy’ by proposing unconstitutional laws.

He also accused his administration of trying to steal the election as well as ignoring international appeals, adding that the solution is a strong and united opposition leading the Maldivian people.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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