K. Male'
26 Jun 2018 | Tue 16:35
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Adeeb's wife reveals several restrictions he faces behind bars
Adeeb is being denied several basic rights in his solitary confinement
He is allowed a one-hour familial visit once a month
Nashwa concluded her tweet by sarcastically thanking the government and PPM Parliamentary Group

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s wife Mariyam Nashwa has revealed the many restrictions faced by his husband in prison.

In a tweet posted in the early hours of Tuesday, Nashwa listed the violations of Adeeb's basic rights such as denying meetings with his lawyer and adequate medical treatment.

Nashwa said that Adeeb has to sleep on a concrete floor and that he has to use a bucket to shower and flush.

Adeeb is also being kept in solitary confinement and is not being granted special protection, reads Nashwa’s tweet. The tweet further reads that Adeeb is granted a familial visit once every month in the visiting room, through a glass wall on the phone for an hour.

Nashwa concluded her tweet by sarcastically thanking the authorities and the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives' Parliamentary Group.

Section 17(a) of the Constitution states that everyone ss entitled to the rights and freedoms included in the said chapter without discrimination of any kind, including race, national origin, color, sex, age, mental or physical disability, political or other opinion, property, birth of other status or native island.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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