K. Male'
26 Jun 2018 | Tue 15:58
Police interrupt a run organized by opposition party MDP
Police interrupt a run organized by opposition party MDP
Ashwa Faheem
Presidential Election 2018
Australia expresses concern about Maldives election
The Australian government urged the Maldives government to “respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all Maldivians
Australia also urged the government to release political prisoners and “permit legitimate opposition activity"
They also note that the Australian ambassador had made these points while visiting Maldives on 20-21 June

The Australian government has stated that it is “increasingly concerned” at actions taken by the Maldives Government that “undermine democracy and democratic institutions and reduce the prospect that the presidential election in September can be free and fair.”

In a statement released by the Australian High Commission on Tuesday, the Australian government urged the Maldives government to “respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all Maldivians, including freedom of assembly and speech and the right to participate fully in election processes.”

Australia also urged the government to release political prisoners and “permit legitimate opposition activity, which is essential for any election to be credible.”

In the statement, they also noted that the Australian ambassador had made these points while visiting Maldives on 20-21 June.

The statement ends by saying that Australia will continue to monitor the situation in Maldives closely in the lead-up to the presidential election.

The government has been increasingly coming under pressure by the international community for cracking down on the opposition and political parties have expressed concern that the current situation will not allow for a free and fair presidential election.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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