K. Male'
24 Jun 2018 | Sun 15:49
Home Minister Azleen Ahmed
Home Minister Azleen Ahmed
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
Home Ministry
Government accuses ex-minister of trying to ruin Maldives' reputation
Noting that Naseem’s interview was full of fabrication, the ministry ‘strongly’ condemned the interview
The ministry said that it will be investigating such cases and taking strict action against those found guilty

The Ministry of Home Affairs has accused former Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem of spreading ‘lies’ and ‘ruining the country’s reputation”.

A statement issued by the ministry on Sunday claims that the former minister had, in an interview to India’s The Tribune, spoken in a manner that could affect Maldives’ relations with other nations, as well as spread hatred towards Maldives and cause fear amongst the Maldivian people.

The ministry condemend the interview, claiming that it was full of fabrication.

It said that the current government ‘will never act in a way that is harmful to the people or that could be a danger to other nations’.

“This government has always been working to ensure that this small, small country is the most beautiful and peaceful country in the world,” reads the statement.

The ministry said that it will be investigating “those spreading lies that could affect the country’s peace and serenity” and taking strict action against those found guilty.

Speaking to The Tribune, former minister Naseem said that the reason Maldives asked India to take back their gifted helicopters is because “China wants India out of Maldives and that is exactly what is happening”, and that Maldives is giving land to China without any consultations. He added that China has 16 islands in Maldives today and that these “could be converted into military bases”.

“It will be detrimental to Indian security. India needs to put its foot down and say this is not acceptable to us… India has a major role to play in restoration of democracy in Maldives,” he said, adding that he believes that the current Maldivian government “is completely wrong in their foreign policy”.

Further noting that there is an agreement between India and Maldives that neither "should do anything that compromises the national security of one another".

"I think Maldives is doing exactly that", added the former minister.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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