K. Male'
21 Jun 2018 | Thu 21:56
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Former VP granted family visit after a month-long hiatus
Adeeb is being kept under solitary confinement and hasn't been granted a familial visit for a month
He was granted lawyer visits from the 09th of June onwards, after a long hiatus
Adeeb is doing time for a total of 33 years in prison

Detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb has been granted a familial visit after a month-long hiatus.

The detained former VP's wife Mariyam Nashwa had revealed this via her official twitter account, where she wrote that while her husband was granted a familial visit, she had to converse with him on the phone through a glass wall.

While Adeeb, who is being kept under solitary confinement, has been granted a familial visit after a month-long hiatus, he had not been granted a lawyer visit for a long period of time until lawyer visits were finally allowed from the 09th of June onwards.

Adeeb's family and lawyers have accused the state of tapering with his rights to familial and lawyer visits by showing ridiculous excuses, with the family even having filed a complaint at the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) regarding the restriction.

Nashwa, having tagged the HRCM, Maldives Police Service and the Maldives Correctional Service in her tweet, wrote that "while denying Adeeb his lawyer meetings, his family meetings are also being restricted on a new level", referring to the meeting having taken place in the prison's visiting room.

Adeeb is doing time for a total of 33 years in prison on several allegations including his alleged hand in the presidential speedboat explosion in September 2015.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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