K. Male'
20 Jun 2018 | Wed 17:45
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jumhooree Party
No applicants for party leader, five applied for deputy leader post: Jumhooree Party
The deadline for applications expired on Tuesday
SG Sameer said that ‘members believe that Qasim Ibrahim is the party leader’
JP decided to elect a leader earlier this month, due to an amendment made to the Political Parties Act in 2015

While opposition Jumhooree Party opened up the opportunity to apply for 30 senior posts earlier this week, no one applied for the role of party leader.

The deadline for applications expired on Tuesday.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, Secretary General Ahmed Sameer said that no one had applied for the post of party leader, but that they had received applicants for the remaining 29 posts including five applicants for the post of deputy leader.

Sameer said that he believes that the reason no one applied for party leader post is because ‘members believe that Qasim Ibrahim is the party leader’.

Qasim is the founder of Jumhooree Party which was founded in 2008, and has been the party leader since. However, due to an amendment made to the Political Parties Act in 2015- which states that an individual convicted of a crime cannot hold a senior post of a political party- the party decided, earlier this month, to elect a new leader.

While the party is to elect individuals to the 30 posts during its national congress meeting this weekend, Sameer said that they will make a decision regarding the post at the meeting, after discussing with members.

The party also revealed that five individuals had applied for the post of deputy leader; Abdulla Yameen, Abdulla Kamaaludheen, Mohamed Fayaz, Ameen Ibrahim and Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan. However, according to party regulations, only four can be elected to the post.

Former Thoddoo constituency MP Ali Waheed, who recently joined JP, is running for post of party president; Waheed is the former chair of opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and had left the party in 2016. Running for vice presidency is former Kelaa constituency MP, Dr. Abdulla Mausoom.

Jumhooree Party’s congress meeting is to be held at Paradise Island Resort on June 21-22. The party has said that over 400 people will be attending the congress.

Similar to their coalition partner MDP, JP was unable to secure a venue for their congress in capital Malé City due to lack of support from authorities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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