K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 23:22
MP for Dhiggaru constituency Faris Maumoon
MP for Dhiggaru constituency Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris Maumoon
Court schedules two separate hearings for MP Faris on Wednesday
The first hearing is scheduled for 11:00 a.m under the identity fraud charge raised against him
The second hearing is scheduled for 01:00 p.m. for the terrorism charges
Faris is also charged with offering bribes to an MP who had since testified in court in his defense

The Criminal Court has scheduled hearings in two separate charges raised against detained Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon for Wednesday.

The first hearing is scheduled for 11:00 a.m under the identity fraud charge raised against him. In this hearing, the court will hear summary statements from both state and the accused, after which sentencing will follow.

Faris is charged with the unauthorized use of the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives(PPM)'s flag and logo at a press conference hosted by the joint opposition parties and the faction of PPM loyal to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Faris' father.

The second hearing is scheduled for 01:00 p.m. for the terrorism charges raised against him, for which he is being kept under police custody until the remainder of his trial.

He is being charged with terrorism for his alleged involved over the Supreme Court ruling issued on the 01st of February to release high-profile politicians and reinstate opposition MPs, which President Abdulla Yameen called an alleged coup.

Additional charges against Faris include bribery charges for allegedly offering bribes to a fellow parliamentarian who has since given his testimony in Faris’s defense, saying that he had not been bribed. After his testimony, no further hearing had been held for Faris' terror trial.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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