K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 14:16
MP Mahloof at an opposition rally prior to his arrest in February this year
MP Mahloof at an opposition rally prior to his arrest in February this year
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Mahloof appointed as first ever 'Democracy Fellow' of Canada's MIGS
MIGS described MP Mahloof as 'a democracy and human rights champion'
MIGS' executive director said that they are proud to have Mahloof as its first ever 'Democracy Fellow'
The appointment comes less than a week after he was conferred with Defender of Democracy' award by the Parliamentarians for Global Action

Galolhu-South constituency MP and Amnesty International's Prisoner of Conscience Ahmed Mahloof has been appointed as the first ever 'Democracy Fellow' of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS).

The Canadian institution noted that it 'recognizes and supports [Mahloof's} struggle for democracy and human rights and stands by him as a victim of suppression in fighting trumped up charges'.

Executive Director at MIGS, Kyle Mathews noted that the lawmaker 'is a global citizen, a father and a powerful voice for human rights and democracy' at a time of rising authoritarian governments.

Noting that this is the case in Maldives as well, Mathews added that MIGS is proud to have Mahloof as its 'Democracy Fellow' and that they 'will stand by him as he fights not just for his freedom, but that if his entire country'.

Mahloof's appointment as the MIGS' Democracy Fellow comes less than a week after the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) conferred him with the 'Defender of Democracy' award.

Mahloof, who has already served a jail sentence of nearly 11 months during the current administration, is currently under house arrest as he awaits for the trials of two other cases.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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