K. Male'
18 Jun 2018 | Mon 23:51
MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon
MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Pro-government MPs refuse to testify in defense of MP Faris
Faris gave names of 47 witnesses in his defense at the hearing held on Monday
Court had summoned only 10 out of which only one had presented himself at court to give his testimony
Faris is being charged with identity fraud for the unauthorized use of the ruling party's flag and logo

Pro-government parliamentarians have refused to give their witness statements in defense of Member of Parliament (MP) for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon in relation to the identity fraud charges raised against him for using the ruling party’s flag and logo without its approval.

Preising judge Ibrahim Ali said Faris had sent the names of 47 witnesses and the court had only notified 10, from which only one came to the hearing held at the Criminal Court on Monday.

Judge Ali said that most of the 47 defense witnesses were parliamentarians and some that held top government positions.

Some of the witnesses had refused to give their testimonies in Faris’s defense. They include ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM)’s parliamentary group leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik, PPM Vice President Abdul Raheem Abdulla, PPM Secretary General Abdulla Khaleel, South-Maafannu constituency MP Abdulla Rifau and Mid-Maafannu constituency MP Asma Rasheed. Judge Ali said that they cannot be forced to give their testimonies.

Presiding Judge said that 19 of the witnesses had incomplete information. They include Prosecutor General Aishath Bisham, Attorney General Mohamed Anil, Commissioner of Police Abdulla Nawaz, Assistant Prosecutor General Jihadha Anees as well as former President of the Elections Commissions Fuwad Thoufeeq.

Judge Ali had also said that a hearing will be held at 1pm on Tuesday and that the court will hear the testimonies of other witnesses if they come to the hearing. He also requested both sides to come prepared to give their summary statements.

In response, Faris said he was shocked that the judge was scheduling back-to-back hearings after five months passed without even one hearing being held. He asked what was forcing the judge to fast-track his trial.

The witness who presented himself to court to testify in the parliamentarian’s defense was MP for South-Henveiru constituency and main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group member Mohamed Abdul Kareem.

While the identity fraud charge has been pressed against Faris for the unauthorized use of PPM’s logo and flag, he was the leading figure to bring the party into existence as well as registering the party at the Elections Commission.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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