K. Male'
17 Jun 2018 | Sun 21:08
Preparations for the MDP congress underway in AA Ukulhas island
Preparations for the MDP congress underway in AA Ukulhas island
MDP Congress
Business stalls to be placed in MDP congress
10 stalls will be placed near the area the congress is to be hosted in
These stalls are to be placed in order to conduct a fundraiser
Their congress is to be held from 29th to 30th of June in Alif Alif Ukulhas

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is to place business stalls in accordance with its party policies in their party congress to be held in Alif Alif Ukulhas island.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, deputy chair of the party Ahmed Abdulla said that business stalls are scheduled to be placed during the congress in order to conduct a fundraiser, adding that the main objective of is to open the opportunity for well-wishers to contribute to the party and to promote its policies.

As such, stalls featuring tourism and agriculture, and other such businesses will be given priority in the congress.

According to the opposition party, over 1000 delegates with 200 guests as well as foreign diplomats, media and observers will be partaking in their congress to be held from 29th to 30th of June. 

10 stalls will be placed near the area the congress is to be hosted in and MDP highlights that those who wish to run a stall at the congress may submit their names before 4:00 p.m on the 27th of June by mailing them through their official e-mail address.

A team from MDP is currently in Ukulhas, and preparations for the congress are proceeding at a swift rate, led by chair of the Congress Committee, Ali Hashim.

MDP made the decision to hold the national congress meeting in Ukulhas after failing to secure a venue in capital Male' City. The party’s chair Hassan Latheef accused President Abdulla Yameen's government of not giving them the space to hold the congress meeting in Malé, despite requests.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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