K. Male'
15 Jun 2018 | Fri 01:47
IUM Graduation
IUM Graduation
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Islamic University of Maldives
University extends deadline for applications for new semester
Among the courses the university offers in the semester for June include a total of 26 courses some of which are brand new
The university had decided to extend the deadline for applications to the 21st of June to allow more individuals to apply.
IUM conducts courses in Islamic Financing, Shariah in Law and several other fields

The Islamic University of the Maldives (IUM) has extended application opportunities to enroll in courses for their semester for June.

According to the University, their June courses are acclaimed and have received approval from the public. They said that that a fair amount of forms for enrollment in their courses are being submitted. As such, the university had decided to extend the deadline for applications to the 21st of June to allow more individuals to apply.

Among the courses the university offers in the semester for June include a total of 26 courses some of which are brand new. These new courses include Master of Teaching and Learning, Advance Certificate in English for Travel and Tourism and Advance Certificate in Islamic Finance.

The Islamic University of the Maldives conducts courses in Islamic Financing, Shariah in Law, Education, Leadership, Quran, Islamic Studies, Arab and Language from certificate level to PhD.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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