K. Male'
10 Jun 2018 | Sun 10:38
MDP Vice Chairperson Ali Niyaz
MDP Vice Chairperson Ali Niyaz
Azmoon Ahmed
Maldivian Democratic Party
MDP congress was postponed because of government: Vice Chair
While MDP regulations state that a party congress has to be held every five years, the last one was held in 2010
Niyaz said that the government’s refusal to distribute funds to the political parties on time was another reason that the party congress was postponed
MDP has now decided to hold the party congress in AA Ukulhas on June 30

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) congress had to be postponed because the government refused to provide a venue, said the party’s Vice Chairperson Ali Niyaz.

While MDP regulations state that a party congress has to be held every five years, the last one was held in 2010.

Speaking on RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee programme on Saturday night, Niyaz said that the government’s refusal to distribute funds to the political parties on time was another reason that the party congress was postponed.

Niyaz said they had been unable to get a large enough venue in Male’ and that the government has refused to provide its venues. Niyaz said that the state-owned convention center Dharubaaruge is the only venue large enough to hold the large number of attendants.

MDP has now decided to hold the party congress in AA Ukulhas on June 30. This is the first time that the party would be holding a congress outside the capital city.

Niyaz said that the venue in Ukulhas is cheap and large enough to seat the attendants and that future congresses will also be held outside Male’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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