K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 22:32
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Crimes during Ramadan
Cases lodged at MPS drop during first 15 days of Ramadan
Cases include individuals consuming food during daytime in Ramadan
The most lodged cases include theft
Police urges citizens to cooperate with MPS to prevent such crimes

Maldives Police Service has revealed that cases lodged with them during the first 15 days of Ramadan had significantly plummeted compared to 2017.

According to statistics by the police, 596 cases had been filed with the police within the first 15 days of Ramadan in 2017 and 556 within the first 15 days of Ramadan 2018.

Police reveal that cases lodged with them concerning individuals consuming food during daytime of Ramadan is lesser than that of last year. As such, last year, 18 individuals had been arrested last year while seven had been arrested this year.

According to police, the most filed cases during the first 15 days of Ramadan 1439 is of theft. While 109 cases of theft had been lodged with them in 2017, this year, the amount rose up to 127. The police also added that theft cases that have been reported are not major thefts.

Highlighting at every year theft cases increase during Ramadan, police said that while police are putting in their best efforts to prevent theft, citizens must be extra vigilant of such things which is also an important step in prevention of the rise in theft cases.

As such police added that it is important they have full cooperation of the citizens in crime prevention as theft is something conducted with careful planning albeit police being prepared to halt such crimes.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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