K. Male'
06 Jun 2018 | Wed 21:55
Signing ceremony of the V. Thinadhoo Vice President
Signing ceremony of the V. Thinadhoo Vice President
Fathimath Shana Mohamed
Maldivian Democratic Party
V. Thinadhoo Council Vice President joins opposition MDP
The council deputy chief expressed his belief that MDP will support the council's work
Chairperson Latheef said they have been holding up the decentralization act thus far
Every litltle island and it's residents are important to us

Vaavu atoll Thinadhoo Council Vice President Shifaq Hussain has signed into Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

The signing ceremony was held at the MDP office with the party's chairperson Hassan Latheef in attendance.

At the ceremony, Shifaq said that he joined the party because the current government has not been able to provide anything for the residents of Thinadhoo.

Shifaq added that he believes the work of the council will be encouraged by MDP.

"PPM could not fulfill its pledges to our residents. We've been asking for their basic rights for a long time. We asked for shelter and to move the island's power station to an empty area. Although they had given their assurance that it will be done, they had not done so" said Shifaq.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Chairperson Latheef said that the decentralization act is one that the party has been strictly holding up thus far and that the island council joining the party will bring privileges to the party's reform efforts.

"Although the island's population is small, for us, every island holds equal significance. We count the nation including every little island. Our policies will comprise the whole island nation." said Latheef.

The Thinadhoo Island Vice President used to belong to ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). RaajjeMV understands that the Council President might also sign on to MDP in the near future.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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