K. Male'
05 Jun 2018 | Tue 17:41
B. Kamadhoo Council Vice President Ahmed Sajid
B. Kamadhoo Council Vice President Ahmed Sajid
Local Councils
Local Councilor Sajid says no basis behind his suspension
Sajid has been suspended for three months without pay for failing to appoint a President before the deadline
He said that withholding his pay is inhumane as he has a family to look after but that despite the suspension he will continue working for the rights of citizens
Sajid noted that they were unable to appoint a President due to the difficulties faced by the Council

B. Kamadhoo Council Vice President Ahmed Sajid has said that there is no basis behind his suspension.

Sajid has been suspended for three months without pay for failing to appoint a President before the deadline.

He said that withholding his pay is inhumane as he has a family to look after but that despite the suspension he will continue working for the rights of citizens.

Member Ahmed Sameer is now the temporary head of the Council.

In a letter sent to Sajid on May 31, the Local Government Authority stated that he was suspended for failing to appoint a President during the 14-day window after the seat became vacant.

In a response letter to LGA, Sajid noted that they were unable to appoint a President due to the difficulties faced by the Council, including not being connected to the Government E-Letter Management System for five months and being unable to print the relevant documents.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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