K. Male'
05 Jun 2018 | Tue 00:27
Election\'s Commissioner Ahmed Shareef
Election's Commissioner Ahmed Shareef
2018 Presidential Election
Date for Presidential Election will be announced on Tuesday: EC
A meeting of the National Advisory Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday to finalize a date for the ballots
90% of preparations for the ballots are complete and a complaints bureau has also been established
A voters list will be publicized this June and will be open for re-registration

The Elections Commission (EC) has stated that they will announce a date to hold the Presidential Elections on Tuesday.

Speaking on "Raajje Miadhu" program at state media, Public Service Media (PSM) on Monday, member at the commission Ahmed Akram said that a meeting of the National Advisory Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday.

Highlighting that the National Advisory Committee consists of deleagates of all political parties, Akram said that a date for the Presidential Election will be announced after the meeting tomorrow.

"We will finalize the date for the Presidential Election tomorrow. We have a commission meeting tomorrow" said Akram.

Akram said that preparations for the election are proceeding speedily, adding that 90% of them are complete and an Elections Complains Bureau has also been established.

Akram further said that a voters list will be publicized this June and will be open for re-registration.

According to Akram, after opening the opportunity to submit bids for candidacy in the election, the election will be held in September.

Moreover, Akram said that the upcoming elections will be that of a free, fair and transparent one, giving his guarantee that the security of vote papers will be ensured.

While preparations for the Presidential Elections are underway, the opposition has declared that this year's elections will not be a free, fair and transparent one.

The opposition continues to declare that the Election Commission comprises of puppets of the current administration to whom justness and transparency are lost.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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