K. Male'
30 May 2018 | Wed 22:31
Former President Mohamed Nasheed\'s campaign manager Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign manager Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MDP Primary Election
15,000 members voted by evening, Nasheed to be MDP's presidential candidate
According to the general regulation of the party, in case one candidate contests in the party primary, at least 10% of the members must vote in favor of the candidate
MDP counted 11,697 votes, which is equivalent to 23%
The campaign manager added that since President Nasheed has won more than 10% already, he can be selected as MDP's presidential candidate

Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign manager Mohamed Aslam has said that by 4:30 pm on Wednesday, around 15,000 members of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) had voted in the party's primary election, despite police's attempts to halt it.

Aslam told the media that 11,697 votes are equivalent to 23%. He stated that according to the general regulation of the party, in case one candidate contests in the party primary, at least 10% of the members must vote in favor of the candidate. The campaign manager added that President Nasheed has won more than 10% by evening. Voting began at 2pm.

'Exit polls were taken till 4:30 pm. The poll shows that 11,697 members have voted to 224 ballot boxes. While 235 votes were received from members who live abroad, 1607 people voted from Male'. Meanwhile, 1127 votes were from Addu City and a total of 8541 votes were received from the rest of the atolls. The statistics do not include citizens from other atolls who live in the capital city. Around 15,000 people voted in total', Aslam disclosed. 

While addressing the press on Wednesday evening, the campaign manager confirmed that voting was still ongoing. 

'Needed to win 10%. Since President Nasheed is the only candidate, he has already won over 10% votes. President Nasheed has already won the primary election. So he can be determined as MDP's presidential candidate', explained Mohamed Aslam. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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