K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 23:00
MP Faris Maumoon
MP Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Faris Maumoon
Terror trial: Faris' hearing on Wednesday
State submitted 32 pieces of evidence against Faris in the prior hearing
The hearing is scheduled for 12:00 p.m on Wednesday
Faris is charged with terrorism for allegedly conspiring to overthrow the government

A hearing in the terrorism trial against Faris Maumoon, MP and son of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has been scheduled at the Criminal Court for Wednesday, 12pm.

Faris is charged with conspiring to overthrow the government.

In the last hearing in Faris's trial, the state prosecutor had stated that Faris played an important role in the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

Allegations against MP Faris include; conspiring to overthrow the government through the parliament since 2013, bribing fellow parliamentarians and court judges, as well as being involved in issuing Supreme Court's controversial ruling on February 1 and attempting to create chaos in the capital city with the assistance of then Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef.

Both Faris and his legal representative had asserted in the prior court proceeding that the charges against him are unclear and baseless.

The State submitted 32 pieces of evidence against Faris in the prior hearing. Among those include 17 witnesses: seven from police officers and four secret testimonies.

Others charged for their alleged involvement in the government overthrow consipracy include Faris' father and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Supreme Court Chief of Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed, MP Ilham Ahmed, MP Abdulla Sinan, MP Abdulla Riyaz, and former police commissioner Ahmed Areef.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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