K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 21:05
Saeed, Gayoom and Hameed
Saeed, Gayoom and Hameed
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Government Overthrow Case
Hearing for Maumoon and jailed justices on Tuesday and Wednesday
Hearings scheduled at 09:30 p.m both tonight and tomorrow
The hearing is for both sides to present their evidence
Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed were arrested following the declaration of the State of Emergency on the 05th of February

A hearing in the charges of obstruction of justice raised against former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed has been scheduled at the Criminal Court for Wednesday.

While the hearing in the obstruction case against the three has been scheduled for 09:30 p.m on Wednesday, a hearing in the same case is to proceed tonight at the same time.

A total of nine individuals including Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed face charges of attempting to overthrow a legally established government, terrorism as well as several other charges.

The presiding judge in all their cases is Ahmed Hailam, who previously held posts such as state attorney at the Prosecutor General's office, a judge at the criminal court and currently holds the position of Chief Judge at the Criminal Court.

Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed were charged with obsruction of justice for their refusal to hand over their mobile phones to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) after being ordered to do so. 

They were arrested and taken into police custody following allegations of planning a coup on the night a nationwide State of Emergency was declared by incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

A hearing was scheduled in the obstruction trials against the three on the 24th of May as well, however, it was cancelled without revealing a specific reason for the cancellation.

Prior hearings in the case were cancelled following Gayoom's sudden health deterioration due to which he was unable to present himself for the court proceedings.

The trials for several other allegations against Gayoom are proceeding as well. These trials include terrorism, 

Saeed and Hameed have already been given a jail sentence of one year, seven months and six days in prison for influencing the conduct of a public official.

Saeed was also convicted of interfering with the functions of the government and sentenced to four months and 24 days in incarceration.

Saeed is accused of blocking the Supreme Court from recieving letters addressed to it, by ordering to halt the Government E-Letter Management System (GEMS).

Both justices have appealed to the High Court.

Saeed and Hameed also face terrorism charges for which, if they are proven guilty, they stand to lose their positions in court as well as facing a jail term of upto 17 years.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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