K. Male'
28 May 2018 | Mon 01:54
Signing ceremony between Fenaka Corporation and Ooredoo Maldives
Signing ceremony between Fenaka Corporation and Ooredoo Maldives
Fenaka Corporation
State utilities company signs contract with Ooredoo Maldives for internet solutions
All branches of the company will receive internet connection at a parallel speed
This network will provide connectivity solutions to the company's internet issues

State operated utilities company Fenaka Corporation has on Sunday signed an agreement with telecommunications giant Ooredoo Maldives to connect all branches of the company through one network.

The signing ceremony was published on Ooredoo Maldives official twitter account on Sunday.

Fenaka Corporation's Deputy Managing Director (MD) Mohamed Lamaan had signed the contract on behalf of the company in a special ceremony held in Fenaka premises on Sunday and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Najeeb Khan had signed on behalf of Ooredoo Maldives.

Deputy MD Lamaan speaking after the signing ceremony said that Fenaka's services had previously been provided to the people using different networks and that it altered the speeds in which the services were regulated.

However, following the new contract, all branches of the company will receive internet connection at a parallel speed and that their services will now proceed at a proportionate speed.

Lamaan further highlighted that documents required by the head office as well as the various branches of the company can instantly be shared via internet on the spot, when the branches are linked with one network.

According to the deputy MD, several connection issues the company has been facing in the previous years will be solved once significant softwares used in the Head Office such as ERP billing and HR start operating under one network.

Furthermore, cost of networks the company had been paying for will drop by 50% once the company starts operating under one network.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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